Do what you love.

We all have many things we’d like to accomplish or activities we’d like to enjoy. And somehow there never is enough time. Life gets in the way of us doing what we might choose.

We have careers, responsibilities, to-dos, shoulds, and must-dos. Even if we spent every waking minute of every single day chipping away at our mental lists, we would never get it all accomplished. And we’d make ourselves unhappy and possibly even ill trying to do it all.

While we do have responsibilities to others—bosses and coworkers, friends, family, loved ones—we have one primary responsibility. And that accountability is to ourselves.

If we don’t fill our lives with happiness, well-being, and experiences we enjoy, no one else is likely to do it for us. We own responsibility for crafting a good life for ourselves. And that means carving out time to do things we love and that bring us joy.

Today’s message encourages me to find a bit more time for fun. When I devote part of each day to doing something I love, I and the world around me are enriched.

Please reflect and share. What could you do right now that would make your heart sing?