Your dream is looking for you
We all have dreams and hopes. We may tend to think of them as something we need to work hard toward, something we need to pursue with all our being. We also may fear that they’ll never come true.
And yes, we can’t wait complacently for our dream to arrive, while we focus on other things entirely. We need to keep our focus on what we want and take appropriate actions.
But while we do so, we need to relate to our dream as we would to a temporarily absent lover. Think of it happily, gratefully, affectionately. Ponder it with love. Be open, confident, and welcoming toward it. Banish all fear that it will never arrive.
When we’re cheerful and loving toward our dream, we send it signals of welcome and appreciation in advance. We give our potential dream energy to feed itself as well as a way to home in on us. We give our dream the best possible chance to find us.
Today’s message reminds me that manifestation is dynamic. When I act and make welcoming space in my life for what I want, my desire can move toward me more easily.
Please reflect and share. Do you believe your dream is trying to find you?