Starlight Consulting LLC offers a combination of everyday, common sense advice and techniques from me, Anne L. Smith, and channeled information I receive from Hilarion and the rest of the universe. This is a powerful mix, as it melds time-tested problem-solving skills (both traditional left-brain and non-traditional right-brain) with intuitive information particular to you and your situation.
Telepathic communication with your best friend (nonhuman). Especially helpful with behavioral issues, when you’re going to be away from home, or prior to or after euthenasia. Convey a message to your pet and hear their response, through Anne.
Intuitive Consulting for Humans
Anne and Hilarion offer insight for your questions or concerns. Especially helpful for personal growth, understanding your own motivations, or to overcome difficulties. A combination of the woo woo and the practical—-channeled information and common sense techniques to help you reach your dreams and goals.
Read recommendations from repeat clients of Starlight Consulting LLC’s Anne L. Smith. Learn how you can benefit from a consultation, too.
Schedule an appointment with Anne today
Starlight Consulting LLC ♦ 414-331-9777 ♦