What the Grid is
The grid is a physical representation of various forces or factors working together to help you improve your relationship to a situation in life. It provides a focus point for contemplation, interacting with your guides, and manifestation. To use the grid, you will
- identify an issue in your life that you would like to improve
- recognize the major factors influencing a positive outcome for your issue
- use the grid to intuit and learn more about how the factors relate to each other and how you interact with them, allowing you to make useful changes in yourself—note those key words, changes in yourself—to further your goals
The grid forms a basis for a regular—hopefully daily—practice of expanding and growing a positive relationship with the major factors, improving the outcome for the issue you identified. As you continue to work with the grid, additional assistance, insights, and information will become available to you, refining your understanding of the issue. As your relationship to the major factors changes, your life can and will change in response.
The grid is a physical representation of various forces or factors working together to help you improve your relationship to a situation in life. It provides a focus point for contemplation, interacting with your guides, and manifestation. To use the grid, you
- identify an issue in your life that you would like to improve
- recognize the major factors influencing a positive outcome for your issue
- use the grid to intuit and learn more about how the factors relate to each other and how you interact with them, allowing you to make useful changes in yourself—note those key words, changes in yourself—to further your goals
The grid forms a basis for a regular—hopefully daily—practice of expanding and growing a positive relationship with the major factors, improving the outcome for the issue you identified. As you continue to work with the grid, additional assistance, insights, and information will become available to you, refining your understanding of the issue. As your relationship to the major factors changes, your life can and will change in response.
What the Grid looks like
Here is the quick sketch I made for my grid, the day I channeled it. Remember, this doesn’t need to be pretty. It just needs to be clear to you. How you work and interact with the grid factors is what’s important.

Now that I’ve worked with the Grid more, I understand a larger piece of paper would have been more useful. I’ve created larger representations of each quadrant for myself, so I can note down insights, affirmations, guides, revelations, totems, crystals, etc that are assisting in my transformation for each quadrant of the Grid.

How I channeled the information
The grid popped into my awareness during a phone conversation with a friend. When I started describing it, I knew the information was sourcing from the Angelic Realm. My friend was having difficulties making a major decision. It seemed like it might be helpful for her.
I too was having issues. I had lost my job, my Unemployment Compensation was delayed, I had no regular income, I was unsure of my next steps and struggling to stay calm and focused in the upheaval. I’ve learned when I channel information for someone, that it’s best for me to pay close attention, as I likely need that message as well. Spirit is efficient that way. So, I figured the grid would be helpful for me, too. As soon as I got off the phone call with my friend, I drew my own grid, which you’ve just seen, so I could starting working on my problems.
How I’ve worked with the grid
I’ve been working with the Grid daily since May 2020. Here’s what I’ve been doing:
- Each day—usually the in evening or night before bed works best for me, but a different time of day might be optimal for you—I spend some focus time on each quadrant of the grid.
- I invoke the quality or aspect for each quadrant and draw it into my energy, until I can feel it living and breathing inside of me. I use toning, words, symbols, guides, talismans, and concepts that have arisen for each concept as my work for the grid has evolved, to help me identify with the aspect more easily and to assist in the work. I stay with a quadrant of the grid until I can almost taste the quality or factor I hope to imbue into my life. Then I move on to the next. I’ll provide specifics of how I’ve enhanced my Grid a little later on, to spur your creativity, but I urge you to use your own input rather than just copying my ideas. You will want to fill out your Grid with what speaks to you. That will personalize your Grid and make it far more effective for you.
- When I’ve worked with all four quadrants, I recognize that I—my heart energy—am the center of the grid. I am the point where the desired qualities ground themselves and connect in harmony, anchored in my loving relationship with them. I picture this happening inside my heart chakra and feel the sensation of freedom and possibility this creates as vividly as possible.
- I thank all the energetic participants in my Grid work, including me, for the opportunities, revelations, and results of the work. I amp up the gratitude until I can feel it vibrating inside of me. It feels really good! I stay with this bliss for a minute or two to reinforce things.
My results
My former employer offered a generous severance package, my delayed Unemployment checks came through all on one day, and I’m getting clearer indications of how to walk the path in front of me. I’ve also found a wonderful financial planner to help make sure my finances are in good order, now and for the future. I’m calmer and happier and have more trust that my problems will sort themselves through to my benefit.
While my issues haven’t totally resolved themselves, there has been some really nice progress and, more importantly and probably the reason why I have seen progress, I’ve gained insights into my internal working around the situation and have become more at peace with it. Using the grid is shifting my beliefs, thinking, and actions, which helps me manifest personal qualities, states of being, and tangible results more effectively. The change happens first in me and then is possible in the world around me.
The Grid work is providing a sense of peace and ease in what otherwise could be a very trying situation. In the process, I’m expanding my awareness and openness to change and new concepts. I am starting to become who I need to be to create what I desire. You can do this too! We all can. It’s part of our divine nature.
Why the Grid works
The grid is a very simple setup and concept. It relies mostly on your input, willingness, consistency, and imagination. Your desire to change yourself to improve the quality of your life is the key ingredient. The Grid is your utensil. The personal embellishments you intuit and add to your Grid are the spices that will make the Grid work fun and interesting, and help you achieve good results. The Grid is not a magical formula for manifestation. The magic is inside of you and the Grid helps you focus to activate it. We are all co-creators of our worlds, and when we change and expand we can co-create more consciously and effectively. We have love, beauty, wisdom, and abundance inside of us and the Grid can help bring it out out into the world.
Needed supplies
You will need two pieces of paper, preferably letter size at least, and a writing utensil. You’ll use one piece to draw your Grid and one for making general notes and observations. If you don’t have these supplies, please get them now. Willingness and a sense of humor are also vital.
Jumping right in
I will provide a hypothetical example, so you can see how the process of translation an issue into four factors for the Grid works. You will start with a little breathing and visualization to create sacred space for yourself and enhance your spiritual connection. Then you’ll figure out the focus area for your grid and craft a one-sentence statement of the issue you want to improve, what isn’t working.
You’ll do a little diving into your interior to determine what four qualities or factors would most support resolution of your issue. Then you’ll craft another one-sentence statement about how things would look if your issue was resolved. This will clarify the four factors for the Grid.
You’ll draw your Grid, set the four qualities/factors in each of the four quadrants and then start to enhance your Grid with additional details. Here we go!
Hypothetical example
You’re having problems with your boss at work. You feel your boss is controlling, doesn’t listen to you, stymies your creativity, and doesn’t understand your value.
Step 1. Create a sentence to summarize the issue. You’ll want to write the sentence with four factors in it, regarding what isn’t working.
Here’s my attempt at this: “I have problems with my boss at work who is controlling, doesn’t hear my input. resulting in my creativity being squashed.” Note there are four aspects to the issue. Controlling/listening/valuing/lack of creativity.
Step 2. Refine this first sentence by flipping the four aspects to be positive and reflect what you want.
Here’s my version: “I want to be in a cooperative give and take relationship with my boss at work where I am heard and valued and my creativity is fostered.”
Step 3. Boil the second sentence down to four spiritual qualities you want to enhance in your life.
Here’s what I came up with: Cooperation, Communication, Respect, Creativity
Ethics of the Grid
The purpose and value of the Grid is to foster change within yourself to help you align with the flow of creation, so you can have a more fulfilling and happy life. It’s to be used to change you.
As with magic or other forms of visualization, the focus is on changes in you and not on changes in someone else. For instance, if you are having relationship issues you would focus on changes within you that might improve your relationship or help alleviate psychological projection or shadow interaction. You would not expect the grid to directly change someone else or their behavior. That said, changes in you, your attitudes, and behavior might very well have a positive effect on someone else, thereby improving your relationship with them.
You’re ready to start. First you’ll create sacred space. Here you go!
Creating sacred space
Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Take a nice deep breath in, let it out slowly with an audible sigh, and drop your shoulders. Imagine that there is a tube of light inside you about two inches in diameter. It runs down through your feet to the center of the Earth and up from your crown into the heavens. It connects the spiritual and the material inside of you. Inhale up through from the center of the earth, through you, out through the top of your head and into Heaven. Exhale down from heaven, through you, and into the center of the Earth. You are spiritualizing the material and materializing the spiritual. Perform this conscious breath connection three times, connecting Earth and Heaven inside you using your breath. Doesn’t that feel good!
Now you’ll consciously create your working space by saying the following words out loud.
I invoke the healing power of white light within; I am clear and perfect channel; light is my guide. I invoke the healing power of white light within; I am clear and perfect channel; light is my guide. I invoke the healing power of white light within; I am clear and perfect channel; light is my guide.
Healing white light is in front of me, in back of me, to the left of me, to the right of me, above me, below me, within me. I am surrounded, shielded, and suffused in healing white light.
I aspire to all that is Beauty, all that is Spirit, all that is Truth, all that is Love. I know these aspirations connect me more closely with my higher and expanded self. In white light I am connected, freed, and exalted.
Clarifying your issue
Take another breath in, let it out slowly and think of a larger-scale issue that is foremost in your mind, something you’ve been struggling with ongoing. Allow yourself to feel all the emotions surrounding this issue. Try summarize your situation in a sentence with four factors, as was done with the boss/work example above.
Here is my initial situation, as an example: “I am unemployed, without regular income, have health concerns, am unsure about what to do next in alignment with my purpose, and know I want to find a happier way to be.” Note that there are four basic components to my issue: health, money, direction, and happiness. You will want to have four aspects to your sentence too.
When you have a good rough sentence, open your eyes and write it down on the first piece of paper. This will be your paper for making notes. The other piece of paper will be for your Grid.
Now take your statement of the issue and turn it around, creating a sentence that states a positive version of your four components. My example would be: I want to be healthy, happy, financially prosperous, and living with purpose. Write your second sentence down below the first one.
For each aspect in your second sentence, there is a related state of being, that if enhanced, would improve the overall issue. This will be a tweaked version of the four qualities in your second sentence, to re-frame them as spiritual states of being. In my example, these would translate to Health, Abundance, Purpose, and Happiness. What are these four qualities for your issue? Note them down below your sentences.
Drawing your Grid
Take your second piece of paper and draw a large plus sign on it, dividing it into four quadrants. In each quadrant, at the top of the quadrant, write down one of the four qualities. Write them down without too much thought, in the order that seems natural to you. Don’t overthink this, please.
You now have created your grid, at its most basic level. Congratulations, good job! Now you will want get to work and embellish it a little bit, please.
Go back to the up and down breathing for four breaths and let yourself get a little drifty and dreamy. Now one by one, receive a symbol for each of the four quadrants. Let each symbol come naturally without any analysis.
If you aren’t receiving a symbol, get a mental image of something that represents the factor. For example, for me freedom would be represented by a bird in flight. I would then make a simple line drawing to shorthand represent a bird in flight. The important thing is that your symbol or drawing should be easy to see in your mind’s eye and should evoke the energy of the associated factor.
Just put your pen or pencil on the paper below the name of the quality in the quadrant and draw. You may receive a symbol that is familiar to you, or it may be that you draw something you’ve never seen before. Either way, it’s perfect and exactly right for you, because it came to you. Something you make up will have strong power in your work, since it arose from inside of you and will have strong association for you.
Go ahead and draw your four symbols at this time. Now draw a medium size circle at the center of your grid, perhaps two inches in diameter, to represent you. No protractor needed, this doesn’t need to be exact, just conceptual. Write your first name, or whatever name you identify with, in the center of the circle, leaving a little room around it.
Draw a heart around your name, inside the circle. You are the key; you pull it all together. The magic will all happen inside of your heart in connection with all creation and then expresses outwardly in your world. Isn’t it cool how it all comes down to you?
Take a couple more up and down breaths and get dreamy and drifty again. One by one, muse on each of your four quadrants and feel a connection to the quality in each quadrant. Feel yourself connecting with it in a positive way.
At this point, you may or may not get additional input, an image, a concept, a color, a guide, etc. Don’t judge or evaluate any input you get, simply write it down below the related symbol. It’s meaning and relevance will become apparent later, as you continue to work with your Grid.
If you don’t get any further input at this time, that’s perfectly fine too. Just feel the connection between you and each of the qualities you want to invoke and breathe. Additional information and insights will come to you as you develop a regular practice with your Grid.
What to do with your Grid
Begin a daily practice of speaking the name of the factor and visualizing the symbol, drawing it in your mind and infusing it into your body and personal energy.
As you continue your daily practice be open to additional input from within you regarding your four major factors and quadrants. As you receive additional information, make written notes, drawings, etc below the symbols in each quadrant.
Here are some examples from my personal experience:
- A channeled word in the Angelic language to be toned at the beginning of my meditation upon the symbol.
- A stone or crystal to represent and focus the energy I need to work with for the factor/quadrant.
- A chakra to associate with factor. I visualize my symbol for the factor in three dimensional form within that chakra, making the symbol part of my permanent energy body.
- Insights relating to the factor, usually a new or tweaked way of visualizing the scenario.
- My example, for Abundance: Abundance is our natural way of being. It is encoded into use at time of conception, in our very first cell at the base of our tailbone.
- A natural expression—bird, animal, force of nature—to associate with the factor. The natural expression can be used as a totem to guide and empower.
- A flower essence to use in correlation with each factor, particularly if I am struggling with an issue relating to that factor.
- A guide—angel, totem, passed loved one, spirit guide, etc—to help provide understanding of the situation, as regards a particular factor. Remember, we are divinely interconnected with everything, so our guides are an alternative expression of ourselves.
- My example: a passed cat to guide me in relation to each factor. My cats know me well and I am entirely comfortable with them and trust their input implicitly. They’ve been kind and gentle in pointing out ways my thinking is holding me back. The cat in charge of Purpose for me was a sweet, gentle, elegant, lovable cat. He enjoyed everyone he met and made them happy simply by his presence. He pointed out to me that I was looking for specific actions to take to achieve my purpose. He then asked me what I thought his purpose had been. When I reflected on his essential way of being, I realized I had the perfect role model for my purpose. I don’t need to do certain things as much as be and feel a certain way to achieve my purpose. When I feel good and share that in all my interactions, I am fulfilling my purpose. I help others feel good too.
- A suit from the Tarot cards for each quadrant.
- An affirmation regarding what you are becoming, relating to each quadrant.
- Example: My affirmation for My Happiness quadrant is “I am joyous.
Going forward
The Grid works with your willingness to change and to expand how you perceive things. With regular practice, it can help you identify any blocks within you and assist you to release them. It also can inspire you to change your thought patterns and spur to to do things differently. First and foremost, your success with it will depend on your personal spiritual and time input into it. Pathwork requires an ongoing commitment and is not a once and done process. Like a romantic relationship, you get out of it what you put into it.
With each personal intuitive addition to my regular practice, I’ve found I identify with the four major factors more strongly. So using your own personal keys—sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, guides, visualization, etc—customize your practice with things that work for you. If you can imagine it, it will work for you. Nothing that comes to you to use is wrong. If it came to you, it’s yours; incorporate it and let it help you. It doesn’t have to work for anyone else or have anyone else’s approval. It’s just for you.
The more strongly you can identify with the symbolism you are using, the better this practice will work for you. As you shift and grow as a result of the practice, you will find yourself more open. Intuitive information will be more readily available to you and you will be more aligned to that which you wish to manifest. Blocks within you to reaching clear decisions will also be alleviated. You’re cleaning and tidying your spiritual house.
Remember, the practice isn’t about bending the Universe to achieve your purpose. It’s about becoming more mentally, emotionally, and spiritually flexible, to align with Universal flow.
Use your personal skills and inclinations to enhance your Grid. If you’re an artist, draw with your Grid. If you’re a musician, sing or play music with your Grid. If you like to journal or write, document your daily input.
In any case, noting down an insights or input received directly on your Grid is a good idea. I experienced having a thought-provoking revelation when working with one quadrant of my Grid, only to have had it evaporate from my awareness by the time I was done. Drat!
The Grid concept was channeled to me with four quadrants. Four is a good stable number and makes it fairly easy to see interrelationships between the quadrants. However, I’m told that any number from three on up might be useful. I could see five factors working nicely in a pentagram, six in a Star of David, seven in a heptagram, etc. However, a larger number of factors will increase the complexity and time needed for daily practice as well. Changing more than four factors within yourself at one time also could be personally challenging. I encourage you to start with four quadrants and expand the number later, if you feel the strong call.
How to get more information/help is using your Grid
If you feel that you want or need guidance in working with your Grid, please consider a personal phone consultation with me. I can be contacted at starlight@thesharing.co or 414-331-9777. Fees for a phone consultation are as follows.
15-minute brief session | $45.00 |
30-minute session | $70.00 |
45-minute session | $100.00 |
60-minute extended session | $120.00 |