Love yourself love your life
Most of us can think of things in our lives that we’d like to be different. The same is probably true of ourselves. We likely wish aspects of ourselves were altered too.
This might leave us feeling a bit dissatisfied with life at times. After all, life isn’t perfect for us in our estimation.
This mindset neglects the power of gratitude. It also bypasses the fact that we alone craft how we experience existence. The nature of our reality is how we perceive it to be.
If we aren’t exactly enjoying life as it is, we may wish to take a look at how we feel about ourselves. If we don’t like and even love ourselves, chances are we won’t be happy with our lives either. After all, we are the one inescapable constant in our lives.
When we love and care for ourselves, accept and nurture ourselves, magic happens. As we feel more comfortable and appreciative of ourselves, our lives begin to seem more desirable too.
When we’re unhappy with ourselves, we project that unhappiness outward onto other folks and circumstances. We’re then surrounded by discomfort.
If we feel good and loving toward ourselves, we project that happiness and acceptance outward too. We’re more likely to be surrounded by benevolent people and events when we actively love ourselves.
Today’s message invites me to up my self-love quotient a bit more. The happier I am with myself, the happier I will be with my life. Blessings all around!
Please reflect and share. How does your self-image reflect outward in your life?