Pure focus
Over the holiday season, it’s easy to get distracted. We’re often busy and rushed, with more things we believe we need to do than time in which to accomplish them.
In all the bustle, we may find ourselves forgetting the things that, day-in and day-out throughout the year, truly matter to us. We may lose focus on caring about family and friends and the dreams and goals that are important to us. We can readily forget the emotional and spiritual in favor of the material.
Yes, it can be nice to send out seasonal greeting cards and bake cookies. Decorating our homes for the season can add a touch of festivity to our surroundings. Hosting get togethers and attending parties can bring us closer to our loved ones.
But these are only worthy endeavors if they make us happy, if we have fun doing them. If we find these holiday activities to be a chore, we may wish to reconsider them.
It’s also important not to forget our goals and desires in the midst of the holiday bustle. Yes, we’re likely busy, but we may wish to carve out a minimum amount of time to visualize what we wish to manifest and accomplish. Doing so now places us in a good position to get serious about our dreams in the coming year.
Today’s message reminds me that when I’m busy, especially when I’m busy, it’s important to keep focus on those I love and what I wish to create. This is a gift I can give myself, keeping a pure and loving focus on what matters most to me.
Please reflect and share. Where is your focus this holiday season?