Make it about love

A good portion of folks in the world today seem to feel that life and society has gone awry. If you’re one of these people—and many of us are—you may well feel that change is needed to get the human race back on better footing.

When working for change, it’s important to remember than nothing good is built with hate as a foundation. When we effect change in a punitive or prejudicial manner, anything we create is tainted at the outset.

Love is an excellent alternative and a strong basis for positive change. When the shifts we make are based in a desire to create a more caring and equitable existence for all, we’re on track to build something of true value.

Today’s message reminds me that whether on a grander social scale or on the micro level of my own life, love is the answer. When I base my goals and actions in love, I’m on the best path.

Please reflect and share. What values do you believe coming change should reflect?