Happiness comes from being in love with what is.

Sometimes the way things are seems to suck. We don’t like our circumstances and we feel unhappy. We may dwell on what we don’t want and can become stuck in disapproval, dislike, or denial.

In the eyes of the divine, all is holy and whole. Nothing and no one is broken or unworthy. When we attempt to view life, people, and events more generously and more lovingly, we begin to approximate divine unconditional love.

Accepting and acknowledging the worthiness of what is, we hold more love in our consciousness. Focusing on love makes us happier. It’s hard to be unhappy when we’re genuinely smiling.

Today’s message, courtesy of my passed cat Jasper, reminds me to love what is, whatever my circumstances. In finding the good and the whole in any event, I identify something for which to be grateful. My life always holds some sort of blessing.

Please reflect and share. Do you sometimes struggle to appreciate what is?