Generate happiness
We all want to be happy. Often, we may think that happiness comes from outside of us. If certain external conditions were met—love interest, money, children, career, status—or if we were externally different—slimmer, healthier, more fit, better looking—we’d reason we’d certainly be happy.
In this belief, we may very well be mistaken. We might get exactly what we desire most, and happiness still might elude us.
Happiness is an inside job. It comes from inside us, from us liking and even loving who we are and being comfortable in our own skin.
Without this inner glow of certainty and self-acceptance, nothing can ever truly satisfy us. If we don’t love ourselves and our lives exactly as they are, we’ll always be pursuing happiness without lasting success.
Today’s message reminds me to mindfully tend to creating my own happiness on a daily basis. When I generate my own happiness, I don’t need to chase it. I’ll also radiate joy that emanates out to others as well.
Please reflect and share. How do you generate your own happiness?