Love yourself, love the world.

It’s easy to be distracted and overwhelmed. Political events and impending holidays (and all the preparations we believe need to be made) can consume a large portion of our focus.

Often in among competing priorities, our self-care can come well down the list, if not last. We may rationalize that we’ll do healthy things for ourselves once we’re less busy.

But there always be diversions, chores, and should-dos. Until we put caring for ourselves first, it may not happen reliably, if at all.

When we do take time to eat healthily, exercise, practice mindfulness, meditation, and spirituality, we function better overall. We’re able to be more focused and energetic. We can accomplish more and better in less time.

We’ll likely regain the time we devote to self-care in improved efficiency and less downtime due to illness. When we put ourselves first, we can do better at life overall. And we’ll be happier and healthier, too.

Today’s message invites me (once again) to lovingly devote myself to regular self-care. When I love myself, I have more of myself and my love to offer the world.

Please reflect and share. How do you feel about self-care?