Part of a whole

Sometimes we may feel lonely. It can seem that we’re without help or support, facing down life on our own. We may not be exactly sure of what would make us feel that we’re not alone, but we likely feel something is missing.

And it is, but what is missing isn’t in the world around us, it’s inside of us. We’ve likely have lost our sense of interconnection in the divine, hopefully temporarily.

When we’re aware of this interconnection with all of existence, it’s clear to us—at least for the moment—that we never truly can be alone. We can recognize that all of the resources of Creation are there for us to interact with us and assist us.

The divine remains exactly as it always has been, suffused with conscious love. What may differ is our perception of ourselves and how we are part of it. We alienate ourselves from all of Creation by seeing ourselves as separate, imperfect, and alone.

Today’s message reminds me that in order to feel whole, I need to remember that I’m part of a divine whole. In accepting my place in interconnected conscious love, I tune into it more easily.

Please reflect and share. Do you feel you are part of a divine whole?