Change for the better
We can be resistant to change. Particularly when we feel our lives are going well, we don’t want anything to change. Let’s keep things just as they are, thank you.
Even when we don’t feel things are going well, we can be afraid of change. We may feel exhausted by our current level of coping and leery of any further alterations. What if things get worse? What if we encounter situations we won’t be able to handle well?
Creation tends to have our backs. Even when things shift in a way we don’t like, with time the changes may be revealed to be better for us in the long run. When we judge change to be bad, we may not be aware of all the present and future circumstances that might affect our perspective.
Today’s message reminds me that change is always an opportunity to alter my mindset in a way that can make me happier and healthier. When I see change as a positive, I’m more likely to benefit from it.
Please reflect and share. What recent change for the better have you experienced?