As you wish
We start wishing in life as children. We wish on dandelion puff, stars, and birthday cake candles. We wish without talismans, too. We scrunch our little eyes shut tight with concentration and dream of our hearts’ desires.
As youngsters, we’re ever hopeful. We wish and believe that our dreams are possible. That’s likely why we wish so frequently.
As adults, our tendency to wish often sputters out. We may wish and pray in emergencies. But otherwise, we may feel a bit jaded about wishing. We’ve lost confidence in our ability to make our dreams come true. We may sometimes wish, but view this process as a pipedream, unlikely to come true.
And that’s unfortunate. Because our belief is what adds buoyancy to our dreams. When we fervently and confidently wish, we’re far more apt to get our desire fulfilled.
Today’s message suggests I engage my inner child in my manifestation efforts. She is innocent, hopeful, and ever confident. She has what it takes to wish successfully.
Please reflect and share. Do you have confidence in your wishing?