Expansion feels weird

Those of us on a spiritual life path may look forward to expanding our awareness. We want to feel light. We want to be love. We want to have heightened perceptions.

And this will and does come to us, eventually. But the first sign of expansion is often discomfort.

Things that made sense may begin not to do so. Assumptions about how life works and is may no longer feel true. We likely feel a bit at sea emotionally and mentally.

Spiritually, the ways we’ve usually connected may feel incomplete or ineffective. We may aware that we may need to do things differently but may be at a loss regarding what and how.

The key here is to understand that the discomfort and searching is a necessary part of the expansion. Caterpillars likely find the whole chrysalis and morphing into a butterfly thing weird, too. Snakes’ vision is temporarily affected when they shed their skin.

While our metamorphosis is likely to be far more subtle, we still need to be patient and compassionate with ourselves. We may feel out of sorts. We may be a bit puzzled or spacey. We may need more rest. And that’s okay. It’s all part of the transition from our previous perceptions to altered ones.

Today’s message advises me that feeling my old way of being no longer fits is a sign of growth. Just like I needed new clothes—the old ones were uncomfortable—when I grew as a child, my perceptions need a new framework as I expand. All is well!

Please reflect and share. When your perceptions change, do you feel out of sorts?