Self fighting

Life can be hard sometimes. We may struggle and not seem to make much progress. Things may not seem to get any better. We may not feel better either.

Yes, circumstance around us can present challenges. We encounter roadblocks or difficult people. Things may not play out as we hoped they would. Life gets complicated.

Many of the complications arise in our own minds. Sometimes we’re the source of our difficulties. Or at least we may make any problems that occur harder than they need to be.

Negative, self-doubting, or resentful thoughts can create issues for us. We may perceive problems where there actually aren’t any.

Or we may sabotage our own initiative by not believing in ourselves. Too, we may generate roadblocks or make progress harder by carrying around resistance or anger.

In this way, often the change we most need to make to help things improve needs to begin within us.

Today’s message and new moon energy offer me the opportunity to get out of my own way. When I fight myself less, I’ll find navigating life easier and more fun.

Please reflect and share. How do you get in your own way?