One of the most beautiful things we can do is to love someone when they appear flawed, to love them in spite of our illusions.
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There are folks we like and folks we don’t like. Some people are easier for us to appreciate than others. Even those we love are sometimes hard to take. It seems other people are fraught with foibles that can be difficult to tolerate.
Separation consciousness makes this struggle possible. Deep in our third-dimensional consciousness is the underlying belief that we and all other beings and things are separate from each other and the divine. Separation leaves us feeling flawed and alone in an unsafe world.
This basic posited separation leads us to judge, comparing others to ourselves in an effort to make us feel less broken and lacking. When we judge someone’s nature or actions to be less than perfect, we differentiate them from us and we have the opportunity to feel superior.
The separation, comparison, and differentiation all are illusory. In divine reality, we are all equal, perfect, and interconnected through conscious love. But much of the time, this misperception is hard to get away from. Often we know better, but still find it difficult not to judge others. This allows us to continue to view ourselves as flawed, starting the cycle of self-loathing projected outward all over again.
When we choose to love unconditionally someone we view as flawed, our willingness sets magic in motion. This action helps us see the divine in ourselves and the other. We free the other person to be their divine self, in relation to us. They no longer need to appear as the bogeyman we needed them to be, to justify our fear, anger, and judgment.
We also allow our own divine loving nature to regulate our thoughts and actions. We free ourselves to be more overtly divine, too. Our interactions with the other person now no longer have to follow the script of separation. Our willingness to love another in spite of our illusion helps dissolve our misperceptions. We’re free to relate to each other in happier and more fulfilling ways.
Let’s take a few minutes to connect with our inner divinity—our sharing within—to explore loving others in spite of our beliefs about them. We’ll start by slowing the pattern of our breath and letting it become soft and regular. As we do so, we’ll picture our sharing within as a sphere of golden light in the center of our chest. Inhalation feeds the light and makes it strong and bright. Exhalation distributes light throughout our body and environment.
We’ll continue the rhythmic breathing and light visualization until we make conscious connection with our sharing within. We will feel calm, even, and sure.
We’ll think of an individual we’ve judged recently. Perhaps we feel a co-worker is doing a poor job at work. Perhaps we believe a relative is being rude and selfish. Perhaps a television or sports star has been revealed to be involved in illegal activities. The first individual who comes to mind is perfect for our purposes.
We will breathe golden light from our chest out to a mental image of this individual. We will encode the light with love from our heart and acceptance of him/her, as is. We’ll affirm our non-judgment of them aloud.
“I know you do the best job you can at all times. Thank you for your contribution.” “I understand you need to take good care of yourself in relationship with others. Thanks for your concern for yourself and others.” “I appreciate that you make your choices with careful consideration. Thank you for being true to yourself.”
We’ll take another few breaths of golden heart light and beam it out in the individual’s direction. We also will picture the light joining us to him/her and all the rest of creation. Nothing and no one is excluded from this loving web of light. We are all divine, we are all perfect, and love is the bond that connects us all. Doesn’t it feel wonderful to act on this truth?
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Divinely unique and beautiful reader, how do you love all creation regardless of your perceptions? Please share…