Rituals help make us whole.

We’re all familiar with ritual. We brush our teeth before bed, have coffee before work, check social media after dinner. We’ve found ways to regularize behavior we enjoy or know is good for us.

Yet, many of us struggle with self-care. We know we should exercise but may delay doing so. We understand meditation and prayer are good for our spirit, but the demands of life may get in the way. We may feel too busy to engage in stress-relieving activities.

If we carve out a regular and pleasant routine around self-care items, we’re more likely to be consistent. Listening to favorite music while exercising at roughly the same time each day, visualizing a good and fulfilling day for a couple of minutes before rising from bed, taking a few minutes to breathe deeply before going to sleep—all are examples of rituals we can establish to help make ourselves saner, healthier and more spiritually connected.

Today’s message reminds me of the value of ritual in my life. When I create happy rituals as part of my day, self-care is more enjoyable and more reliable for me.

Please reflect and share. What ritual might you create for yourself?