Everyone’s a mother

Today’s the day we celebrate the women who birthed and/or raised us. Without them, we wouldn’t be here. They likely also helped shaped who we are.

There are birth mothers, adoptive mothers, step mothers, pet moms, and mother influences. But mothering and nurturing can extend beyond these categories.

Regardless of gender identity, there are folks in our lives who helped us and may have had a profound influence on us. Some people have no children, but give birth to art, music, innovation, or writings. In this sense, being a mother is about being fertile and gifting our energy into others or our creations.

Today’s message invites me (and all of you) to celebrate what you’ve given birth to in this life, as well as the folks who have produced, cared for, and raised us. Mothering is the art of nurturing something or someone out of nothing. Let’s be grateful for us all!

Please reflect and share. What or whom have you mothered in this life?