Spiritual is as spiritual does

Most of us strive to be good people. Some of us have particular religious beliefs. Others of us are on a spiritual path. Some of us do both.

Likely, we have a mental set of guidelines and beliefs that we use, at least in theory, to guide our conduct. While we may not always measure up to our self-imposed standards, we probably try, at least some of the time.

Some of us make a public showing of our beliefs. Others of us quietly go about trying to live up to our guiding principles.

When it comes to spirituality, the proof is in the pudding. In other words, the results are what matters.

What we do or say or experience when we go to church, or meditate, or attend spiritual gatherings is important, yes. But it is far less important than how we conduct our everyday lives. That’s the true measure of our spirituality.

Today’s message invites me to make sure my words and actions measure up against my spiritual beliefs. When my chosen principles guide my daily life, then I’m living a spiritual existence.

Please reflect and share. How you evaluate your spirituality?