Muster your mojo

We may, from time to time, wonder why we don’t have more of what we want. It’s very possible that we hope our dreams will land firmly in our laps with little to no effort on our part.

Generally, that won’t happen. Creation takes its cues from what we actively think about, visualize, and sincerely work toward. Our investment of ourselves signals our interest, which results in Creation serving up our dreams to us.

What we think about and act toward, desired or undesired, summons it to us through manifestation. Our best shot at getting what we hope for is to keep our energy focused on what we want.

When we curate our thoughts and beliefs to see our desires as possible and probable, it helps. Holding a definite vision of what we want creates a clear template for manifestation. When we’re grateful in advance for the delivery of our goals, we build a bridge between us and our wishes. And when we take small positive steps in the direction of what we want, we power boost the realization of our dreams.

Today’s message invites me to muster my mojo. When I engage all aspects of myself—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—in manifestation, I generate a siren song to call in my dreams.

Please reflect and share. What do you see as your mojo for manifesting?