Teach yourself

Sometimes at the start of a new undertaking or amidst difficult circumstances, we may waver. We may feel daunted by what faces us. Or we may believe that we don’t have what it takes to do well. We doubt ourselves and out abilities.

Unless we’re quite young, chances are that we’ve weathered a few challenging times. We’ve likely pulled off some pretty amazing accomplishments. And we’ve probably survived and maybe even thrived in hard times.

Then why do we doubt ourselves now? Have we forgotten our past history of successes? Or are we perhaps just a bit tired?

No matter the reason, we can look to our past history for inspiration now. If we review our accomplishments and successes, we can identify situations somewhat similar to our current challenge.

How did we come out on top in these circumstances? What mindsets and tactics helped us succeed? How can we apply these useful skills and attitudes to our present reality?

Today’s message advises me that if I’ve succeeded once, I certainly can do so again. When I re-teach myself successful problem-solving approaches, I can leverage my past to my advantage.

Please reflect and share. What past lesson could you resurrect to help yourself now?