Little wins

Most of us could identify an area of our lives that wish was different, often significantly so. We’re here, in the situation, and we want to be there. And we may not feel satisfied until we’re all the way there.

That mindset might not be in our best interests. It leaves us feeling disappointed or inadequate until we reach what we believe is our final goal.

If we’re willing to conceptually break the journey from here to there into many smaller chunks, it allows us to be successful all along the way. Each minor bit of progress is then a win. Each delay or roadblock can be negated by a subsequent little win.

Today’s message advises me to celebrate the little wins. This helps me be happy every day since on some level, each day something, however small, is going right. And over time, little wins add up to dreams achieved.

Please reflect and share. What little win did you experience today?