Every day is a fresh start.
Please discuss. How does this play out in life?
I’ll start us out, The turn into a new year has us all thinking about beginnings and endings. We’re relieved 2020 is behind us and hopeful 2021 will usher in better times. We may also be setting resolutions, things we intend to do more or less of in the coming year.
Most of our good intentions will have a relatively short life span. On average, 80% are discarded by mid-February. That’s both good news and bad. The bad news: our resolutions are apt to fail. The failures will likely be due to having overly ambitious expectations for ourselves. The good news: knowing this, we can ensure our goals are realistic. We can also keep in mind that we can revise our targets and try again at any time.
Today’s message reminds me I have the opportunity to reinvent myself and my life every single day. If I fall flat on my face with a goal, I can always dust myself off, tweak my plans, and try again. I only truly fail if I cease finding interest and joy in life and stop trying new things.
How about you? What fresh start would you like to make?