Stay in your lane.

Today I pruned climbing roses along the side of my garage. They like the location and tend to get burly and intertwine, smothering out parts of each other. I lifted them up and carved out some breathing and growing room for each of them, so they can flourish.

As I was standing back to assess the results, it struck me that this was an apt metaphor for human interactions. If we get too intertwined with each other, we limit ourselves and others.

Companionship is healthy. Co-dependence isn’t. When we are strong adults and own responsibility for our own happiness and well-being, we flourish too.

That doesn’t mean we can’t be compassionate and kind to each other. It does mean we can function well on our own, if needed. We just need to say in our own lanes.

Today’s message reminds me that I don’t need to fix others and shouldn’t expect others to fix me. Happiness is an inside affair and having a healthy life is up to me.

Please reflect and share. What does staying in your lane mean to you?