Outer dimensions do not necessarily indicate inner content.
Please discuss. How does this play out in life?
I’ll start us out. For the people I’m close to—loved ones, family, friends, coworkers—I have an idea in my head regarding what they’re all about. I’ve developed a mental concept of their strengths, weaknesses, idiosyncrasies, and essential motivations. I generally interact with folks in accordance with my assessment of them.
COVDI-19 has been a game-changer. It is developing and emphasizing different aspects of me, both positive and negative, and is affecting others similarly. We all may be doing things and behaving now in ways that confound others. Today’s message reminds me that my previous measurements of others may or will not accurately define their inner being. This is always true—perception is everything—but becomes more relevant in times of crisis and change. I need to live in the present when interacting with others, so I can see their inner self most accurately.
How about you? Are your revising your image of yourself and others due to changes wrought or revealed by the corona virus?