Conversion requires some removal, some addition, and some rearranging.
Please discuss. How does this play out in life?
I’ll start us out. Our planet and our lives are in the process of being converted by the corona virus. The landscape of my life is certainly being altered. Gone are freedom of movement, financial certainty, and most personal interactions. New to everyday life are hand sanitizer, daily blogging, and home staycation mode. Priorities, expectations, and the rhythm of my day are being shifted around. I don’t have much choice about what’s being removed, but I do have free will about what’s being added and rearranged. I can elect where I place my focus and energy and how I spend my ample free time. I can decide what’s important to me and live each day accordingly. The situation is helping me get clear about what I do and don’t want in my life.
How about you? What has been removed, added, and rearranged in your life, and how is are you refining your conscious choices?