Hobby more

Most of us have a set round of activities. If we’re in the work force, we likely have regular job hours. Those of us who are homemakers or retired also have regular chores and responsibilities. Most of us additionally have obligations to others and self-care to accomplish.

Many of these activities are necessary. Most of them are useful. There’s a good reason, for the main part, that we do the things we do.

Yet they probably don’t all feed our souls. Some are just tasks we need to accomplish.

This round of required activities can leave us feeling tired and lackluster. We may feel a lack of inspiration and motivation.

This is where hobbies come in. They’re a chance to do things we enjoy and probably even love. We get to express our physical side, our mental prowess, and our artistic sensibilities and creativity. We can put into play the best parts of ourselves.

When we feel tired, pressed by obligations, and humdrum, it’s a splendid time to carve out some space for a hobby or two. When we’re reviewed by things we actively enjoy, the enthusiasm generated can help us accomplish our usual round of activities.

Today’s message encourages me to make sure I’m taking time for creative and physical hobbies. Activities that that express my soul add spice to everything I do in life.

Please reflect and share. What hobby might you devote more time to?