Share yourself.

Many of us care what others think about us. We want people to like us. And often that means we try to appear or be what we think others want us to be.

This behavior can leave us feeling a bit empty and unsatisfied or even possibly resentful. On a deep level, we’d like to be able to be appreciated for what we are, not what others wish us to be.

In order to make others happy or approving, we can abandon the parts of us that make us special and unique. We may stuff our creativity and our vision, our own special take on existence in order to conform.

There’s no replica of any of us. We’re all one-offs, with our individual experience and gifts. No one else can contribute exactly what we can to the world.

We can make the world a richer place by drawing, writing, singing, speaking our truth, making crafts, etc. When we offer ourselves freely and fearlessly with others, we encourage them to do the same.

Today’s message invites me to share myself more fully with others. In offering my gifts to others, I give myself the freedom and expansiveness to be exactly myself.

Please reflect and share. Are you comfortable with sharing your true self?