The body as a vehicle.

Many of us own vehicles—cars, trucks, vans, or SUVs. They’re expensive pieces of complicated equipment, and things can and do go wrong with them.

We likely have scheduled maintenance programs, often recommended by the manufacturer, to help keep our vehicles running well. We change fluids, rotate tires, replace exhaust systems and batteries, wash and wax exteriors, etc. We have a lot invested in our vehicles and want them to service us well.

Some of us may not pay as much attention to our human vehicles. We may not have a regular maintenance program—exercise, healthy diet, health care, stress release, regular checkups, etc. This scanting of our human vehicles isn’t sensible. After all, we can purchase another vehicle. Purchasing a new body isn’t quite that simple.

Today’s message reminds me to invest regularly in my human vehicle. When I care for it lovingly and regularly, it will carry me the distance.

Please reflect and share. Do you take good care of your human vehicle?