Cherish the good memories.
Today we buried Nimbus the cat. He came to us as a rescue kitty in mid-April 2021. He had a difficult start as a breeder cat, spending the first two years of his life in a cage with minimal care and contact. Nimbus was lucky to be taken into a compassionate rescue, SPCR, who lovingly rehabilitated him so that he could be adopted successfully as a pet.
He passed in early January 2022. We had nine short months together, during which he lived life to the fullest. He pounced, played, trilled, dashed, and snuggled through every moment he was with us. Nimbus knew—although he did not tell me—that his time on earth would be limited. So, he lived life large, packing enough goodness into months to last a normal lifetime.
Nimbus charmed every human he met, and forged strong friendships with the other resident cats by sheer dint of his sweet, friendly personality and persistence. Somehow, whatever he wanted could not be denied. As my partner Nate said, when he had broken a house rule, “It’s Nimbus. Exceptions must be made.”
We grieved heavily when Nimbus passed. It was sudden and unexpected, at least to the humans. He chided me then and still does, when I get sniffly. I’m reminded, with some exasperation on his part, that we had nine months of really good days together and only one very difficult day.
In Nimbus’s opinion—which is not to be denied—I need to remember all the wonderful times and be grateful. That’s how he’d like me to honor him. If I can also adopt his joyful approach to life, that would be a bonus for both of us.
Nimbus reminds me he is still very much with me, watching from above and cheering me on through life. As always, he’s right!
Please reflect and share. How might the Nimbus approach to life benefit you?