Your love always keeps you company.
Please discuss. How does this play out in life?
I’ll start us out. Many of us feel isolated. We’re not getting together with family and friends like we used to. It can feel lonely. We do our best to stay connected digitally and may even have socially distanced get-togethers. Sometimes it may not seem like enough. We miss the warm fuzzies experienced with hugs and closer contact. Something is lacking and we may have determined the need can only be filled outside of ourselves.
Today’s message reminds me that it is all about love, the love I feel in certain situations, the love I now perceive to be lacking. I can remedy the “loss” of love by expanding the scenarios in which I feel love. For those I miss, I can visualize sitting near them in nature, and showering them with love and gratitude, well wishing them. (Close your eyes and try it for a minute. See how good it is?) I can perform this exercise with both living loved ones and those who have passed on. The quality of my love is only limited by what I allow myself to feel.
I’m also prompted to give myself the same treatment. (Eyes shut, try it yourself for a moment or two. Isn’t it nice?) In self-love there is no lack of love. I am always cherished, appreciated, honored, and protected. In loving myself, I replenish my capacity to love others. Love—it’s an inside job.
How about you? How is COVID-19 teaching you new ways to love?