Fear is the challenge

We all have dreams and goals. We all also face challenges in achieving them. We may feel we don’t have enough, time, resources, knowledge, or stamina to do what is required to achieve what we want.

While all these factors may very well be real and will need to be dealt with, the most significant roadblock is often our fear of the challenges. When we’re afraid, we’ll think of all the reasons we might fail. We may be reluctant to commit ourselves because we don’t want to flop. We may put ourselves in a negative stance before we’ve even begun to try.

But what if we turned this dynamic on its ear? What if we made lists of all the current circumstances that support our effort? What if we detailed all the skills and attributes we possess that would further our achievements? What if we felt certain we can and will succeed?

When we’re willing to give up our fears, we can eliminate one of the major drags on our endeavors. Instead, we give ourselves a positive boost that enhances our ability to accomplish.

Yes, all the concerns that might have fed our fears may still exist. But without the fear, they are merely reasons to get tactical rather than dreaded bugaboos.

Today’s message reminds me that anytime I’m reluctant to pursue a goal, the first thing to address is my own fears. Once I’ve understood them better and removed them as much as possible from the equation, the solution is far easier to achieve.

Please reflect and share. How has fear held you back?