Best is subjective.

We all want what’s best, whether it is just for ourselves or for others or for all involved. If other folks are concerned in our wishes, it’s likely we feel noble about our aspirations.

And we probably mean well; we really do. But often we’re aspiring with limited data. We are well wishing based on our limited understanding of the situation.

What we think of as best might only be beneficial in the short term. Our idea of worst might yield the best long-term results. Particularly when our aspirations involve others, what we think of as best may not match their take on what is desirable.

It may be beneficial to let our aspirations be more loosely defined, allowing Creation to fill in the details of our general framework. For instance: “I wish my child to live a healthy, abundant, and fulfilling life” versus “I wish my child to have a successful career as a CPA.” This allows leeway both for data we do not possess as well as differences in what we both might feel is best.

Today’s message reminds me of the tricksiness of what I might think of as best. When I well wish myself and others more generally, I leave room for the power of serendipity to bless more completely.

Please reflect and share. Do you feel you often know what is best?