Now you see it
We all have blind spots, things we don’t permit ourselves to see or realize. We may do so for a variety of reasons.
We may find it more convenient to not to admit something is the way it is. We might feel compelled to act to rectify it otherwise.
Or the thing we can’t accept flies in the face of our previously held beliefs. We might have to admit we are wrong—if only to ourselves—if we acknowledge it.
Or the realization of what is could be painful. We’d have to accept that we or others have acted cruelly or selfishly if we see the situation clearly. And we would have to change our behavior or relationships to alter that.
Or we may simply want something else to be true so badly, that we fool ourselves into believing it is so. Such a fantasy can be long-lived, enough so that it becomes ingrained as a fact with us, and possibly with others as well.
Sometimes we’re just not ready to accept the truth—yet. We may not subconsciously feel we have the time, strength, or stamina to deal with what actually is. So, we ignore the situation for the time being.
Eventually, it may be time to face up to what is. Perhaps something inside of us or around us has shifted. But we no longer can deny the truth of what is.
This clarity can be difficult, unsettling, painful, or disorienting. We may feel on uncertain ground, because some of our fundamental assumptions have shifted out from under us.
The truth is also freeing. Once we can look at a situation straight on, we can act effectively.
Our choices then address the situation as it is and not as we might hope it would be. Eventually, we likely will be happier without the weight of deception, whether or our part or another’s.
Today’s message indicates that I’m gaining clarity. When I see it as a gift rather than as a burden, I can create more good with it.
Please reflect and share. What realization has been coming to you?