Notes From The Furlough: Day 21

Present circumstances are not equal to present existence.

Please discuss. How does this play out in life?

I’ll start us out. For many of us, corona virus concerns are at the forefront of our minds: the risk, the isolation, the boredom, the finances, etc, I’m certainly no exception. I often need to course correct my thinking to target what I want. I’m reminded today that present circumstances are merely the garnish on the dish of existence in the current moment. They are not the main course.

If I’m engaged in an activity—brushing my cat, reading a book, taking a walk, sweeping the floor—those concerns have no impact on what I’m doing unless I allow them headroom. The more I focus on what I’m doing in the moment, the less they affect me. There is so much to enjoy in my life when I don’t permit it to be overshadowed by thoughts about what isn’t presently occurring. Mantra for today: Is it happening right now? No? Forget about it!

How about you? How do you keep focused on the current moment?