Joy is not habitual, it is spontaneous

When you undo something you create potential.


♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

We’re often very focused on accomplishing things. We have goals—things we want to achieve or create. We want to make things happen. We believe this is the way we will improve our life.

We also often see taking a step back, or undoing things, as reverse progress. If we do undo something, we likely may reproach ourselves for not having gotten it ‘right’ the first time. We believe this type of detour from the linear path to our goals is counterproductive.

However, as evidenced by nuclear fission, there is immense power in the undoing of things. In the structure of our lives, as in the structure of an atom, considerable energy is invested in maintaining that form. Often so much energy is needed to maintain the status quo, that there is scant energy left over for creation of the new. Our need for stability and certainty hampers our ability to expand and grow.

This is not to say that absolute destruction of the order of our lives is desirable or even helpful, but sometimes voluntary dismantling of some of the rhythms and routines of our existence opens us to new opportunities. When we are willing to get out of our customary rut—how we view ourselves and others, how we do things, what we choose to do—we unlock untapped and often unknown potential in ourselves and situations.

Most of the actions we take in any give day are done out of habit. We sleep on a certain side of the bed. In the morning, we brush our teeth first and then comb our hair. We put on our pants before our shirt. We follow the usual route to our workplace. We eat our meals at customary times. We have a usual bedtime.

These habits save us time and thought, and they help us feel safe. However, in creating security and efficiency, we also build a prison for ourselves. When we cease to think about or enjoy what we are doing at any given moment, we trap ourselves in routine and leach the joy and spontaneity from life. Our minds, our emotions, and our ability to enjoy life stagnate.

The universe (aka the sharing) wants us to be happy. Boredom resulting from too much routine is counter to the purpose of the sharing—to multiply joy through shared experience. If we are mired in the sameness of our lives, the sharing (with the assistance of our sharing within) will generate life events to help push us out of our comfort zone, If liberation from our habits is involuntary, we will view it as chaotic change. We may expend more energy resisting the change, thereby causing yet more liberating events.

When we willingly embrace change, all the energy freed by the undoing of a locked pattern is available to us for creation. None is expended on resistance. The change then becomes a happy and liberating experience, rather than a traumatic event.

Let’s explore this concept a bit more with the help of our inner divinity—our sharing within. We’ll begin by slowing our breathing to a soft, gentle rhythm. We’ll also visualize our sharing within as golden light housed in the center of our chest. As we inhale the light grows strong and bright; as we exhale the light pours out through us and our surroundings. We will continue the breathing pattern and visualization until we feel the calm and certainty of connection with our sharing within.

We will request that our sharing within help us identify the one area of our life where we currently feel the strongest need to adhere to a routine. We will know that we’ve identified it correctly if thoughts of breaking the habit cause considerable discomfort or unease. Perhaps we always budget our personal finances on Saturday morning. Perhaps the budgeting process always causes us some distress and uncertainty.

Next we will review all the reasons we believe this routine is important and necessary. Perhaps we feel that we can help assure our material safety by carefully and regularly managing our money and expenditures.

Now we will ask our sharing within to show us the belief pattern that underlies our logical reasons for the habit. Perhaps we don’t trust the universe to provide for us, so feel we need to orchestrate our prosperity.

We also will request to be shown a safe, comfortable, helpful, and enjoyable way to at least partially abandon this habit and the rigid beliefs that created it. Perhaps next Saturday, we will spend time being grateful for present and future blessings and prosperity, rather than fretting over whether we will have enough money to pay bills and meet our goals. The positive energy of gratitude is more likely to attract prosperity than fear of lack, and it will be more fun, too.

We’ll take a moment to visualize ourselves releasing the entrenched habit and will surround that image with golden light from our heart. We’re creating our own freedom by undoing the self-imposed fetters of routine.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Divinely unique and beautiful reader, what habit would you be willing to let go, to be happier? Please share…

2 Replies to “Joy is not habitual, it is spontaneous”

  1. Dear Intuitive Friend, Your message is a comforting reminder that the uneasiness and anxiety I’m experiencing this spring can be the portent of something truly joyful! Namaste

    1. Christine, Thanks for sharing! Most of us feel anxious about change; you’re not alone. I’m grateful you choose to see your anxiety as a sign of good things coming your way:)

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