Value what makes you healthier, happier, or stronger.

Many of us value what society tells us is important. Sometimes that’s relevant for us and other times it isn’t.

For instance, there has been a growing interest in eating healthier. That’s splendid. However, healthy eating habits may differ from person to person, so we all need to figure out what supports our own individual health.

Cultural opinion also tells us what is and isn’t fashionable to wear. Our apparel may be less relevant to our overall well being. It is important that we have comfortable clothing that fits and is seasonally appropriate. It’s also wonderful if we like what we’re wearing. Our opinion matters here and no one else’s.

Today’s message reminds me that I get to decide what to value. If something brings me joy and well-being, it’s important to me.

Please reflect and share. How does one of your values differ from the norm?