Fine tune your reception.

Sometimes events displease us. We may feel victimized and at the mercy of fate.

Life happens in and around us. We may believe it happens to us, but it happens in cooperation and connection with us.

We don’t have complete control over life, but we do have ownership over how we perceive what is. What we experience is our interpretation of what happens, how we receive life.

If we’re of a fearful or paranoid mindset, life may seem dangerous or untrustworthy. When we’re immersed in a positive and hopeful mindset, we tend to notice the things we like and appreciate about our existence.

Today’s message reminds me that when I don’t like how life feels to me, I can tune into a different channel or change my reception to get a clearer picture. I’m in control of how I relate to life.

Please reflect and share. Are you aware of your general perception of life? Might a reception tune-up benefit you?