Value your peace of mind.
Often, we make decisions based on a variety of factors. Cost, timeliness, convenience and ease, and effects on others all may weigh into our final decision.
Less often, we may consider how our choice will impact our mental and emotional state. We may opt for a cheaper option and then fret over whether we’ve skimped. Or we may choose to spend more money and then regret the cost.
We may also elect to do what pleases others and then feel inconvenienced or taken for granted. Or we may go for an untimely solution because it is easier or more reasonable.
In the long run, we spend our entire lives experiencing through the perception of our thoughts. Our emotions too are always with us. If a decision unsettles us in any way, niggling doubt may linger and make us uncomfortable.
Today’s message comes courtesy of my passed cat Shaman and reminds me that more anyone else, I have to reckon with my choices. My peace of mind should always be respected in my decisions.
Please reflect and share. How do you honor your peace of mind?