All set.

Sometimes it feels like things are definitely not in order in our lives. We may feel things are wrong, missing, or going offtrack.

We may feel uncomfortable and possibly unsure about what to do. Things may not feel right.

The best thing we can do is to reassure ourselves. We probably are okay and possibly even better than okay. It simply may not feel like it.

In broad strokes, Creation has our back. We’re divinely interconnected with all of existence and all of existence is at our disposal to help us co-create. In this perspective, we are all set.

We can trust that while we may feel unsettled now, things are working out for us. In the words of Julian of Norwich: “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.”

Today’s message reminds me that all I need is being taken care of for me. I just need to accept this truth and enjoy what is in front of me in the moment, however I can.

Please reflect and share. Do you feel your life is all set?