Love and freedom are connected.

Please reflect and share. How does this play out for you?

We all want love in our lives. Romantic partners, family, pets, job, self-care, hobbies, causes—there are so many different ways to love and be loved, and most of us want them all. We also want to feel free, free to choose what we want, when we want. We may conclude that we’ll be free when we can do what we love and be with those we love.

And it is true that love and freedom are connected, but perhaps not in the exact way we might think. When we are universally loving—open to feeling love for all life in a general sense—then we are truly free. Releasing the barriers within us created by preconceptions and prejudices, preference and presumptions, we are free to find joy in all aspects of life.

Today’s message is courtesy of passed cat Jasper, a sweet, gently boy who knew how to find happiness in all circumstances. He advises me that exercising and strengthening my ability to love breaks down perceived boundaries between me and all existence. Loving liberally, I free myself to possibilities and potential.

How about you? How are love and freedom linked for you?
