Look at all you’ve achieved!

Most of us set a very high standard for ourselves. We likely have aggressive aspirations and dreams. And we’re probably quite hard on ourselves if we don’t achieve them all ahead of or on the target dates we’ve imagined.

Our goal dates mostly don’t take into account the unexpected. And the unexpected is a near constant part of life.

We’re not omniscient. We can’t foresee every roadblock and detour. And yet, we may berate ourselves if the unexpected delays our progress.

Toward the end of a calendar year, we’re prone to review what we’ve done and experienced. It’s a time when we may feel self-critical if we haven’t achieved all we hoped to.

The review time is perhaps better spent noting all we have accomplished and experienced. We have certainly hit some of our goals. This should be celebrated.

We also have accomplished things we hadn’t planned or dealt successfully with unforeseen circumstances. This also is reason to honor ourselves.

Today’s message invites me to take a few minutes to be satisfied and grateful for all I’ve accomplished this year. It may not have been a year that played out exactly as I expected or hoped. It has been, however, a very good year to be me!

Please reflect and share. What accomplishments are you proud of this year?