Independent and creative

In a world of billions of people, we can seemingly get lost in the shuffle. Additionally, there’s peer pressure. We can feel encouraged to fit in, to follow society’s norms, to like what others like and do what they do. In other words, we may be pressured not to be ourselves.

Unfortunately, this urge to conform robs us of our greatest value, that of being an individual. Each of us houses a splinter of divine consciousness within us in our own perfect way. We’re all unique and precious. We’re intended by design to be different from each other.

When we allow ourselves to be ourselves—nothing more and nothing less—we honor Creation. We live as we were designed to live, independently and creatively. We allow our differences and visions to guide our actions, adding richness, depth, and variety to life.

By being ourselves, we make life more worth living for all of us. By honoring the right of others to do so as well, we consciously embody more of our inherent divinity.

Today’s message encourages me to just be myself. When I’m comfortable with who I am and think and act accordingly, I generate happiness inside and around me.

Please reflect and share. Are you comfortable being yourself?