It’s coming

All of us have things we wish for. Some of us may actively visualize them manifesting.

While we hope these good occurrences will come to us soon, sometimes they don’t. We can get downhearted. Aren’t we worthy? Are we doing something wrong? Why aren’t things working out for us?

In this, we may wish to remember that our desired timing may not be optimal timing or divine timing. There may be good reasons, likely that we’re not aware of, for a delay in results.

It’s possible all the needed parts of the puzzle haven’t aligned just yet. We might not be best positioned to deal with the desired outcome. We might not have the needed resources, time, or focus at this moment.

There may be skills we need to learn or concepts we need to master to be ready or a change in fortune. Foremost of these might simply be patience. Good things often do come to those who wait.

That doesn’t mean we should sit on our hands expecting our miracle. We can take an active role in preparing for it.

Practicing gratitude for what we do already have primes us to be more ready to receive. Picturing our desired outcome and being grateful in advance helps connect us with our vision energetically.

Taking small regular actions toward our dream goal, however small, will also make us more ready and keep us focused. We’re more likely to get what we hope for if we’re invested.

Today’s message reminds me to keep hopeful and grateful if my dreams haven’t materialized just yet. I will be blessed with their manifestation at the optimal time.

Please reflect and share. Are you good at keeping confident that your dreams will become real?