Brave and loyal

We usually view bravery and loyalty as good qualities. We admire those who are staunch in the face of difficulty or danger and hold those who are faithful to others in high esteem.

These are good personal qualities and certainly worthy of admiration. We value those who persist when the going gets rough and are true to us.

We try to be brave and loyal ourselves. After all, we want to be good persons, strong, daring, and trustworthy.

But are we brave and loyal regarding ourselves? Do we dare to do what is right for us even in the face of pushback and difficulties? Are we loyal to our own principles and values?

Do we resist conforming to others’ expectations when they don’t feel right to us? Are we willing to put our own dreams and self-worth first, at least much of the time?

Today’s message reminds me that I’m worthy of my own bravery and loyalty. If I’m true to myself and willing to dare for my dreams, I’ll always have someone in my corner—me.

Please reflect and share. Are you brave and loyal on your own behalf?