Safety isn’t stagnant

We all want to be safe. Safety comes in so many flavors—physical, emotional, freedom to be ourselves, financial security, civil liberties, equality. We each have our individual definition of what safety means to us.

Some of us worry about being safe more than others. We can become fearful. This may lead us to want things to remain unchanging or perhaps even revert to a previous state or way of being.

But life isn’t about staying the same or about repeating previous patterns. Life is about evolution and flow. This means that to be alive we will change as will the rest of existence around us.

So, if safety isn’t about sameness, how might we define it? What if we thought of safety as strength in the face of challenges, the ability to respond to varying situations, confident and cheerful belief that we will be well, and hope for the future? What is safety lies within us rather than around us?

Today’s message reminds me that I’m safe when I’m resilient and positive. I create my own safety in any circumstances.

Please reflect and share. How do you define safety?