Reuse when possible.

We’re all aware of the environmental impact of throw-away possessions. We lose valuable resources to landfills when we casually toss items in the trash.

We’re encouraged to reduce/reuse/recycle. This only makes practical sense. Our financial resources aren’t committed to short-term purchases. We improve our creativity by imagining new purposes for older items. And we allow the resources of discarded items to be reborn when we recycle.

We may not think of this so much in terms of others and relationships. But we live more sanely and less dramatically when we also reduce/reuse/recycle in human terms.

We can reduce the amount of energy we spend on frivolous or shallow interactions with others. When our relationships are loving and meaningful, we prosper.

Reusing a tired or strained relationship involves an infusion of our love and imagination. But most often this commitment (if not one-sided) will bring ample emotional rewards.

Recycling interactions—knowing when to let go without animus—can be freeing for all involved parties. Occasionally, we simply grow in directions that are best served by some separation from another.

Today’s message reminds me that others aren’t throw-away. With care, compassion, and consideration, I can navigate how best to handled interactions that seemingly have become outdated.

Please reflect and share. Do you apply the three Rs to relationships?