Encourage yourself.

Often when faced with a challenge, we fret and think about all the reasons it will be hard, if not impossible, to overcome. This can lead us to experience more difficulty than we might otherwise encounter, because we expect it to happen.

We’ve given our problem permission to grow by feeding it with our negative attention. In this way, our thoughts can become our most significant obstacle to success.

When we allow ourselves to think positively about how we will overcome our challenge, the same principles come into play, but in a way that nurtures our success. An easy way to switch our focus is to think of all the tools, skills, and assets we have at our disposal to solve the problem.

What if we’ve already overcome a similar difficulty in the past? We already have part of the solution in our toolbox!

What if we can research on the internet? The wisdom of others is also at our disposal!

What if we can be creative? We’ve got the imagination to visualize a solid solution!

What if our life has been full of problems in the past? We’ve got a really good success rate at surviving difficult times!

When we encourage ourselves, we have a more positive image of ourselves in the situation (and in general), and we increase our chances of success. Also, optimism and hope create a more comfortable space to inhabit than worry and dread do.

Today’s message invites me to cheerlead myself through any difficulties I encounter. A positive image of myself helps me overcome any obstacles I encounter.

Please reflect and share. Do you have a can-do attitude about yourself?