Level up

We can go along for some time with things reasonably stable. We may feel that we’ve finally figured out a good way to keep things even and on track.

And then boom, something throws us off kilter. We may feel confused or betrayed. What did we do wrong? Why did things suddenly stop working?

We may have forgotten that we’re here to flow and expand. To do so, we need to keep moving in a sense. We have to keep opening ourselves to new possibilities and ways of viewing things.

When we are hit with the unexpected (and possibly undesired), it’s an opportunity to expand. We’re being given a chance to level up.

We don’t need to take things personally. It’s likely nothing we’ve done in error. We simply have the chance to improve our skills and mindset and strengthen our ability to handle change. Properly recognized, the process could even be a bit fun.

Today’s message advises me that the opportunity to level up is always a good thing. It doesn’t need to be stressful, if I don’t struggle to stay unchanged. When I expand my perceptions and abilities, my options expand too.

Please reflect and share. How might you level up?