Every day is a lucky day

We may tend to think of some days as charmed and others as disastrous. In between, we may view the rest of our days as ho-hum.

If asked what would distinguish a lucky day from other days, we’d likely talk about benevolent twists of fortune, unexpected blessings, and things going our way. This would indicate that we don’t see our routine existence as charmed.

And yet, every day for us is a lucky day. We’re alive, a marvelous and precious gift in and of itself. We’re hopefully relatively healthy, have folks we care about in our lives, likely have a roof over our heads and enough food and drink (even if it isn’t always what we’d prefer), and we’re probably physically safe.

This is an incredible blessing, simply to have enough to exist fairly well ongoing. But we probably have much more in addition to that.

We have funds to allow us to pursue our interests and amuse ourselves. Most of us have technology, and transportation, and health care. We have the opportunity to be educated and there is a wealth of information and entertainment readily available to us.

We wake up most mornings and we have running water and clothes to wear. We probably have a job (or the means to support ourselves), possibly even a career we enjoy. Throughout the day, we encounter a stream of similar minor miracles, most of which we probably don’t recognize.

The natural world around us, although not exactly pristine because of human effects on the ecosystem, is still incredibly rich, varied, and beautiful. We probably have the opportunity to spend time interacting with nature, too.

Today’s message reminds me that my daily existence is lucky and blessed. I’m grateful the have the opportunity to be alive under such benevolent circumstances.

Please reflect and share. How do you feel lucky or blessed?